Thursday 20 December 2012

The INHUMAN Death of Humanity!!!!

The INHUMAN Death of Humanity!!!!

The vicious and savage crime of Delhi Rape Case has shocked and horrified all the Near & Dear ones of the every single woman of India. Every living heart cried, every soul trembled and every hand prayed for that girl. This appalling and horrendous episode is nothing but the mirror of the pain, the suffering, the humiliation which has become the part & parcel of millions of Indian Women either in the form of sexual harassment or physical abuse.

Every daughter of the nation has been somehow the victim of being touched, or pinched or groped or molested by the animals in disguise. The Age, Time, Region, City everything has become immaterialized for these shameless people.

Constant Media coverage has no doubt raised the fury and wrath among the masses and the deplorable condition of that girl has touched and moved the remains of lingering humanity among the society. But we all know this sensation caused by the media will soon wither away like the loud noise that each gang rape has provoked in the nation.

Once again this heinous crime against morality and humanity will be tolerated and things will be normalized. The reason is plain and simple that as an Individual and as a Society we are morally, socially, politically and legally dead. There is no hope for justice, no faith for uprightness and no anticipation for action.

The whole society has felt the outrage still it is reluctant to do anything about it!!!! The crime itself is so monstrous that neither the government nor the society can be spared for it. The height of the inhumanity was when the victim was laying in the middle of the road, hurt and naked and not even a single person helped her or covered her for an hour.

Every passer by remained silent and indifferent as it was not his cup of tea. It was not his sister, mother, daughter or girl friend. And in this inhuman civilized world who cares for others? Who has time for the dwindling values of the society? Who bothers about the degenerating morality of the society??

Yes, this has become the talk of the city, the nation and every so called responsible citizen of the country has read and discussed about it. But what matters to us is if the girl took the wrong bus, the kind and length of the clothes our girls should wear, the time after which girls should be locked up in the house to save their dignity and honor of the family. What a Modern and Advanced thinking!!!! Isn’t it???

Talking on political front as well, we are no less genuine to show our unease about this horrible episode. Our political leadership will definitely give a sincere look after it gets time from comparing the safety of women in their state to the safety of women in other states!!!!! Hats off to those counted political figures that have raised their protest against this blot on the humanity, in the temple of our democracy-our parliament. I owe a great sense of reverence and gratitude to Mrs. Jaya Bachan for putting up the issue so well in the House. But mind it that our democracy and our leaders are not idle ones. They continuously strive hard for the progress of our nation and its people that none has time to take up the issue of the security of half of India’s population!!!! Look at the team work and commendable companionship that when Mrs. Bachan was talking about the issue someone from the house told her that House works on the basis of FACTS and not on the basis of EMOTIONS. How scientific and mechanistic we have become, isn't it???

If this moral, social and political degeneration leaves any trail behind our legal system fulfills it with all its loop holes. Very few cases are registered with police in the name of family honor. Police seldom puts them behind the bars. Mere seven years of culprit’s life behind the bars is enough to compensate the physical, mental and social trauma our women had to undergo during and after the rape. What is more irking that they not even complete this meager period behind the bars but are set free on bail to further molest and rape the remaining ones!!!

We must agree that this repulsive episode about the plight of women is not only about the law and order problem, but the issue lies deep in the grain of the society. Mentality remains that girls shall not wear this go there or do that because we are unable to teach our MEN the concept of respecting the women and their dignity.

It is high time to define the individual and social role for everyone. We have to fight however hard to shake our society out of its slumber. If there are some animal instincts to commit this blunder, there must be millions of HUMAN DERIVES to terminate them. The safety of OUR society is in danger. The security of OUR women is at stake so it is our responsibility to rectify the system and make the society a free place where women can take birth and live with dignity.

We must not dictate our women what to wear and How to appear. We must dictate our men how to behave. There should be self questioning as to what is profoundly wrong in our value system?? Instead of posing women as vulnerable objects and presenting the issue in protectionist language we must bring the issue on our dining table, in our classrooms, in our companies and shops and every place associated with human day to day life, that also with utmost sincerity and concern. The need of the hour is that parents and society both recognize their duty not to up bring their sons in a way in which they are fascinated with a sense of superiority and so called masculinity.

The breaking of the ice is definitely women’s part. They must initiate, change the thinking and traditions of the society in which they are always objectified. Women must take in that true dignity is not in their clothes and physical appearance but it lies deep in their value system, in their character, mind and soul. None of such episode however brutal can snatch their dignity from them. Even after this barbaric and heinous offence against them they remain zillion of times more dignified than these so called MEN of the society. They must elevate for their cause, stop tolerating torture and abuses and feel the pulse of the time.

Since the charity begins at home, Morality should be taught at the nascent stage of life and for this there can be no best place other than home. As mothers and sisters and all other roles they play, they have to redefine the concept of values and morality. Whenever their male counterparts commit any minute and modest mistake on this issue they should sternly deal with them and show them their right place. If a mother would have slapped his son at the right time, he would have never turned into living monster of this kind.

Don’t try to change the women, their lifestyle, instead change the mindset of “Men”. No doubt we must teach our women not to be raped and make themselves secure, but the focus must be to teach our men “not to rape”. Unless this behavior and attitude of our society is not molded no effort however hard will bear the fruit. Yes this MENTAL REVOLUTION is the kernel of the solution but along with it we must ensure proper laws, strict and aware policing, Moral education, fast track judicial system to deal with this menace.

Last but not the least we must make our government to give the guilty of this horrendous crime the severest punishment one can think of. I agree that punishment alone will not rectify the system but it is high time to show the world that we mean business. Their punishment should serve as a lesson for all the men of the country. Punishment should be such that Nerves get chilled and body get trembled even if someone thinks of committing this brutal crime. India will not get at peace till each girl of India get the positive response when she asks “Am I safe here?? Can I live my life with dignity and respect?” Because even more than humanity, morality, family honor and anything else it is EVERY SINGLE WOMAN AS AN INDIVIDUAL THAT MATTERS TO US.


  1. hats off to u dear....
    awesome written....
    The situation is unacceptable. Security of women has deteriorated to such low levels that we should be ashamed of ourselves. It's high time to take some serious steps towards it and the culprits are punished. They should be made to understand the crime they have committed and should deter such incidents.

    1. Feeling great that you liked it. I Agree with you as this is now or never situation. We must show the world that we really value and care for our women. Hope our system doesn't disappoint us this time!!

  2. Daisy mam well said !!! Hoping for a change in tradionational act of killing a girl child... Just for the sake of family's honour, girl infenticide is common but i think the male infenticide is necessery for these kind of evils...why these inhumane characters are alive till now...!!!

    1. I am happy that you liked it.But here i disagree with you. Male infanticide can never be the solution of this menace. Remember an Eye for an Eye will make the entire world Blind. The solution lies in changing the mindset of our society and redefining the concept of equality. Hope you will understand it. :)

  3. Gud Madam...

    Keep Blogging....I like Yur blog

    1. Thanks for the appreciation Sumit... Will always try to give my Best :)

  4. "Yatra Nari Pujyate... ramante tatra devata" means where women are worshipped there only God lives. I was under the wrong impression that this age old saga is still followed and I along with my lovely daugthers live in a country where women are worshipped as goddess of power and prosperity and considered idols. But I was completely wrong. All these ethics, moral values have been spoiled because every day such incidents occur and unfortunately everytime hitting and targetting women but this time the brutality is so severe that it has become impossible for everyone to stay quiet about it. Hoping against hope that this will create enough noise to make a difference. Difference in thinking of mothers of sons (not of daughters) who will teach them by hook or crook the way they have to look at each woman. Laws need to be mended to give shudders to criminals. May be one day I will be able to tell my daughter that she is safe everywhere and she should not be scared to move around, may be i can teach her one day that she should not be ashamed of being born as a girl, may be I am able to convince her that she is not responsible for the bad eyes that follows her 24x7. May be the voice raised through this blog receives the highest frequency that our daughters can live with peace, security and above all dignity. Thanks Mam for giving me space to share my views about the world where my daughters live.

    1. Well said Ma'am..Hope this is the LAST time when humanity has been ashamed. I Pray that WE learn a lifetime lesson and make this society a safe and secure place for our girls. But the thing is that only WE have to take the initiation. It was my pleasure that you gave time to my blog and shared your views with us :)

  5. Good one ma'am,
    This should be implemented bcoz these happenings can be stopped not only by punishing the culprits but by teaching each n every male lesson and making them understand what sin they doing.

    good job keep blogging..............

    1. Hope humanity survives and all these barbaric crimes disappear from our society.Thank you for liking it. I will always try to give my best. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. this was much awaited from you daisy...was waiting for it from last 3 days.the issue, 'not d case' has rightly & objectively come up thru your blog.Definitely, reforms should be brought in the system NOW.

    1. Dear Ekta,I also pray and hope for the same. Thanks for being with me and motivating me. I will always look for you and your support!!!

  7. very true..............

  8. Very well written Daisy! As a woman, you have truly captured the way every heart bled at this atrocity. Keep writing!

    1. Thank you so much Akil. Your motivation and guidance will certainly help me to come out with bright colours.:)

  9. As ever good job.
    Well said Ma'am (just because u have taught me d way of living life)
    Most of the people are talking about girls that what should they wear,where should they go n all this kind of stuff but i think instead of doing that let's think about ruthless animals of society.
    I want every parent to teach their son how to respect girls and how to behave.Its the most important point that's what I believe.
    and ya DREAM ON!!!!!
    KEP IT UP.

    1. Dear Shanti, That was the sole intention of the article. Hope all our dreams of peaceful and human society come true. Thanks for the motivation.:)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I completely agree with you. That is the whole issue. This is high time when women should REALIZE that they THEMSELVES have to take the initiative and break this tradition of sacrifice,strive hard for bringing the desired change in their family and society. Only then we can feel the wind of change in our country!!!Thanks for reading :)

  12. You know Daisy when I taught "Into that Heaven of Freedom Let my Country awake" by Rabindranath Tagore, I felt that at last we are moving towards this "blissful era". I was happy and relaxed and trust me said to great Lord "God Tussi Great ho"!!. This Utopian balloon extended when I read a book on women achievers and came to know of the achievements of Naina lal kidwai,Indra Nooyi, Madhu Kochar and more in this line. And then.......I fell hard on the rugged Crust when I read news as "a dog teared female fetus in bushes","a women threw her twin daughters in a dam" ,"3 days old girl was found wrapped in Polythene packet" and then... this brutality Over "Damini" has shattered me from within and has made me to ponder are we women Neither safe in Womb or World ? Damini's plights have been picked by media and the youths are voicing her nonverbal sentiments....KUDOS but what about those unsaid suffering that a girl faces in every home, town, District? We girls have to get up and fight for right to prove that we are in no way " Second Sex" , "Dolls" or "Domestic Drudges". I think then we will not need any one to back up our Issue. And then the world will become heaven where "Krati and Kannu" will live happily !!

    1. That is the crux of the issue. No doubts restructuring of the system is also highly desired but the most important need is CHANGING ourselves, Changing our attitude towards women. The first step in this direction has to taken by women only. The rest of the world will follow later on. Empowerment of Women when stated by the women and for the women there is nothing in the world which can stop us from reaching our goal of SAFE and SECURE society. For KANNU & KRATI we will surely fight till our last breath. Thanks for reading.:)

  13. Hi. You have very succinctly summarized this lapse in society which inhibits women from emancipating themselves.
    When it comes to crime against women, we as a society do not view it from the perspective of the victim but through that patriarchal mindset which is so characteristic of Indian society.
    This overbearing social chauvinism has been largely instrumental in the subjugation of women.Just like other crimes its utopia to think that crimes against women will stop completely. Among other things that need to
    change is how a victimised woman is received in society long after that criminal heinousness has stopped hitting the headlines. The social perspective as well as the victim's altered sense of identity needs to be addressed. We
    live a society of the most pure,sacrosanct,most-high" traditions-- a heritage which among other things raises womanhood to the stature of the eternal cosmic principle and at the same-time reduces it to "something" that is incapable of any independent existence.We must
    exorcise ourselves from this diabolic dualism. Why should women be cast in the mold of "vulnerable,darlings"? why should women allow themselves to be treated as such? It certainly needs some social re-engineering because this does nothing more than further strengthening that patriarchal power structure. The answers to this problem are involved and any concrete change will take years to really surface. why not start by having a more responsible curriculum for humanities, right from school onwards ??

    1. Yes my friend, the end of this DICHOTOMY of theory and practice is the only answer of this problem.Empowerment of the Women, for the women and by the women is the only COMPLETE and PERFECT solution of this menace. We know there is a long way ahead but its high time that we take firm steps on this path. At present also Moral values are the very part of our curriculum. The need is to penetrate them deep in the mind and soul of the masses. Our HOMES are the best place for this starting. Thanks for your time and feedback :)

  14. well said day.....this is really a very touching piece of writing.i hope every one reads it and takes a lesson from it. i want to share it with ur permission :)

  15. Thanks Viniti... Please Go Ahead..My Pleasure :)

  16. this anger is required in every dat we indian can feel proud again in saying MERA BHARAT MAHAN.....
    NYC JOB :))

    1. Dear Avinash, Anger is in every Indian. The need is to channelize this anger in a more constructive way. Thanks for giving your valuable time to it :)

    2. Very heart touching and reflective article. Your command over narrative style is excellent. I'm very much agree with you that patriarchal mindset needs to be changed without wich no genuine change will occur in the social status of women and they will continue to suffer various forms of discrimination in male dominated society....well done ma'am!!

    3. Thank you so much Karunakar Sir! Your appreciation is such a boost. If a Sociologist agrees to my viewpoint on this social issue then surely I am able to do justice with the topic. Thanks yet again for reading and quick reply :)
