Friday 25 January 2013

Before You Defy, Hear Constitution's Cry !!!!!

Once held in high esteem, taken as the spirit of democracy and the most cherished document of the nation, Yes, My children I am the same constitution of India, standing helpless, continuously hurt and insulted and the most chased to be changed by those who can never spare the time to go through me, can never take the pains to pass my journey, have no interest in knowing my history, take me so insignificant to be given any importance.

But you know what it never hurts me; it never takes me back as I know what place I hold even for those who frequently question my sanctity, who regularly demand my reconstruction. Whenever something happens in your country however grave and however humble you raise your eyebrows at me, demand to change me and protest against Republic Day. Because at some hidden corner of your heart you know that “I” am the foundation of your system. “I” am the soul of your democracy.

But have you bothered to notice that whenever you try to point out me four fingers are pointed towards you!!! Let me ask you a very simple question. Have you ever celebrated the Republic Day that you are DEMANDING TO BOYCOTT??? You always take the democracy establish by me as a mockery of democratic spirit, a null of values and a zero for nothing. But have you yourselves adopted this democratic spirit in your life, your family and your society???

Now don’t look at me with open mouth!!! I know the answer. It’s “Plain” and “Big” no. Isn't it strange that one thing you never practiced yourselves and you are blaming me for the failure of the same!!!!  Surprised that how cool I am, even after repeated calls by you to amend me and bend me. Because I know and I humbly admit that my system has failed to give the desired results. My foundation has not proved strong enough to shield all my children from the menaces of poverty, corruption, discrimination and exploitation.

Will you tell me how does this system of mine operate??? Does the system operate in vacuum??Perhaps you would have read me and understood me then you would have come to know that it is “YOU” whom I have made the masters of this system!!! It is “YOU” in who lays the sovereignty of the nation. The System operates with you My Dear Children!!

Yes, the leaders of my country are bad, inhuman, insensitive and corrupt. But will you please answer who elects them?? Who give them votes in the name of religion region and caste??? Who prefer personal ties over the ideologies?? What do you do on the Voting Day?? How many of you go and Vote? How many of you have tried to be a part of the system and rectify it??

Now don’t put your eyes down!! Look at me and tell how does this Vote Bank Politics operate?? Who enjoys the OFFICIAL voting day holiday sitting idle and criticize the government for doing nothing??

Sorry for being harsh, for being that rude but after all I can also use those rights which i have given to you. Yes you heard it rightly your “Rights” are given by me only!! You people always cry for your rights without giving a second thought to your duties. Why do you forget that someone’s right is your duty. You always cry and oppose that your rights are just a show off, of no practical value. But when you oppose and protest for the same you know what you are using your rights only and that are also given by me, my dear Children.


You always demand for adopting the one or another feature of the developed nations to solve your problems. Perhaps someone had told you that I have amalgamated the best features of all the major constitutions of the world. Yes, I have taken a major portion of my body from the acts of British government. Because I believe that we have to take whatever good we can find, no matter where it comes from. And Look how opposite my children are, they are not satisfied even with the Best things they own. Don’t misunderstand me for this!!! I have taken only the provisions not the spirit of colonial rule. I have done necessary changes, required alterations to suit our socio-economic construct and our new born democracy. Solutions of all your problems lie with me, given that you use me properly, not only in letters but in spirit.

You know what is your problem??? You don’t understand the concepts properly. You mix laws with constitution. Take Politicians as political system. Associate the degradation of bureaucrats with bureaucracy. Link the failure of government with the failure of system. Yes, I give abundance of powers to numerous people, but for what purpose??It is for the sake of your development, for your welfare.  At the same time I put some obligations on all these power holders and give desired safeguards to you so that these powers are not misused and you are not exploited. Irony is that power holders become extra active and corrupt the power and you become extra passive, get exploited and also exploit others whenever find the chance, never use my safeguards and criticize me for your disadvantages.

I know it’s not that easy to fight the battle for truth and justice. It takes lot of time, energy and patience. But remember my child in this world everything comes at the payment of something. You must have heard No Gains without Pains. This is equally applicable to me, you and everyone else in this world.

Let me hammer it out- it is ME and YOU who make this system. Without one another we both are less than ourselves. Without you I am just a Document, a piece of paper. Without me you are always objectified. If we both come together we can do the wonders. So, My Dear Children Hold my Hands, Trust me, Have Faith in me. I am here only for your welfare, for your progress. Help me in this interest of yours. I promise I’ll never let you down. If you listen to my cry and I’ll never let anyone of you cry. But for that at least give me one sincere try!!!


  1. How thoughtful
    How original
    mam,You're on the mark..we all just talk abt d change , but no one even take our prsnt costitution seriousaly..always pointing negative points..never seen positive points..:/

    1. Thats the whole point Vanjul. If we people start looking for positive things in our system and appreciate them, adopt them, am sure the negative features will disappear in no times. Thanks for giving your time and appreciating my effort :)

  2. it simply awesome...u just made visible d things which is inside most of Indian nd need some change.....

    nice..keep it up...:))

    1. Thanks for your time and appreciation. Am glad that you liked it :)

  3. Ms Sharma, yet another wonderfully written article! As i write this comment i am myself at a loss as to what actually does "The Republic of India" mean. Many of us who are born in the privileges of an independent India are consciously ignorant of the fact! How many of us are really interested in knowing the Constitution? Sadly today all of the political/sociological understanding is restricted to academic circles-- and almost inaccessible. we have alienated ourselves--though not unilaterally--from the political system of our own country.We fail to understand that what we achieved on the 15th of August and the 26th of January today needs to be sustained and this by no means an easy job.
    This will--as you rightly mention--be possible if we take the constitution seriously. Understand it!Discuss it!Relate with it! Then possibly we can take informed decisions and will never be reduced to a reactionary crowd of "burn-down,tear-down" kind.
    In this context academics like yourself can make a huge contribution. Today all the political theories are all so wrapped up in jargon! This inaccessibility is injurious for a healthy civic society.Like it would be a pleasure reading a blog-post explaining the preamble of the constitution,which relating it to a lay person's life(with and without it's priviliges).Reading such a thing would definitely be a celebration of the Republic itself!

    1. Dear Bhaskar, the point you have made about the privileges of Independent India is really worth thinking.Just by valuing what we have, preserving and sustaining our hard won freedom and giving the constitution its due respect and place, we can take India to its lost position of the most civilized nation of the world. Taking this message to masses will surely take time but am sure, one day this dream will turn into reality.

      Thanks a zillion for your motivation and appreciation. It really boost me up and further enlighten my thoughts. Thanks once again.:)

    2. My fine,fair ,close,near and dear constitution,We are proud of your pious spirit. we have no problem regarding that . But what will be the solution ..... that after 64 years youth is still restless. we are having no retirement age for our politicians? we are still facing poverty, corruption, illiteracy, sex discrimination and numerous such others. These problems are black bugs they come in new format every hour, every moment in society .we are from the privileged class but please think of those who pay for the sin of others.please show path with SUN-RAYS.

    3. Dear Bhawna Ji, it is indeed overwhelming to know that still there exist the people who take the constitution in high spirit. The answer of your question lies with the youth itself. All the appalling menaces find their way in Our system because we have left it only to politicians, segregating ourselves from it. If we play our role well be it political, social any other India with its pious constitution will be the Best place to live. The fault is ours not that of constitution. So we have to change. That was the sole issue of the article. Thanks for the feedback :)

  4. Jesus Christ! Yesterday was the end of Jaipur Lit Fest and i thought my life is over but thanks to Nainy who shared your article and again i found myself into the world of free, intellectual, very thoughtful and original speech.

    "Irony is that power holders become extra active and corrupt the power and you become extra passive, get exploited and also exploit others whenever find the chance, never use my safeguards and criticize me for your disadvantages."

    These few words says it all. I don't think there's anything more to discuss. Thanks for writing such an innovative article.

    PS- I saw your comments at Nainy's status, not many women in India have such a witty humor. *smile*

    1. Thanks Arpit for sparing your precious time to go through my blog. I am glad that it found appreciation with you but those are really big words for me!! Once again Thanks to Nainy, for taking it as worth sharing and spreading the flame. Will try to continue my writing spree in future as well and your feedback will always be appreciated.

      P.S- Your observation of everybody's comment prove your lively spirit and contemplation. Keep it up.Thanks for the appreciation. :)

    2. "Your observation of everybody's comment prove your lively spirit and contemplation."

      hahaha I do hope that wasn't a sarcasm. Cheers!

    3. Well, its up to you how you take it :)

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