Monday 25 February 2013

What do you choose- God or YOUR Religion????

Isn’t it strange that in the name of God whom we never imbibe in our life, we are ready to sacrifice the things dearest to us, raise slogans against each other, inflame animosity in His children, spread panic, massacre the bodies and souls and create subtle and continuous attacks on the very religious discourse and at last remain inclined towards communalism. This malodorous act not only takes away our equanimity but leaves disappointment staring us in our mind; create suspicion about the existence of religion and God himself. But who has time to bother about it??? We have OUR OWN AND SUPREME Religion to follow and will keep on following it, Let anything happen to world; Let anything happen to our oneness with our God and Humanity.

Isn’t it great that differentiating ourselves on the basis of religion we bring the fantasy of “Unity in Diversity?” Before I proceed let me ask are you a big fan of India’s unity in diversity?? Feel happy over the peaceful amalgamation of different religions into one mosaic and composite culture?? Cool!! But before I applause your fantasy, hold on. Take the pains to clear the doubts haunting me. Don’t worry I am not going to boar you with perplexed philosophy. I am asking naive questions which this mirage of Unity in Diversity has poured on me. And you the great profounder of this fantasy are the most suitable one to answer my little doubts. Please tell me are there really numerous religions thriving on this world?? If yes, are they different?? If yes, then why we are having so much unrest and pains despite having many religions whereas Religion leads to peace and happiness!!! Why being religious we have drenched our soul with the blood of humanity?? Why have we sent our conscience into despair by destroying the fabric of human unity??

Perhaps I was under misconception that Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and many more in line are just diverse paths to cover the journey of Only One and Supreme religion- Humanity. They may be varied in their shapes, their customs, their rituals but ultimate lessons of all these sacred paths are common- Love, Affection, Compassion, Justice, Synergy, Benevolence and Kindness.
Then why have we made them poles apart?? Why is this race of supremacy?? By breaking the oneness and synergy of this eventual religion, by colouring it in communal tinge aren’t we really rebelling against the religion??

Does just putting the Tilak on our forehead and wearing a Janeu make us different from others?? Do by offering Namaj in mosque we turn into unique personality altogether?? Does praying in Church incarnate something new in us?? No, we remain the very same person, with same emotions, same strengths and same weaknesses. Then for what is this hue and cry for??

We have neither understood nor tried to understand the religion. For us our God, our Religion is just a legacy of our ancestors we are putting on!! It is just a tradition we have borrowed from our elders and will lend to our children!!! We don’t know Our God, Our Allah, Our Bhagwan and Waheguru but for us He is the Best and God of others is lesser, of subdued stature!! By believing in others’ subdued God aren’t we ourselves questioning the oneness of Our God?? Doubting his omnipotence?? Thinking that our God is limited to us only and others have no right or access to Him aren’t we questioning the supremacy of our own God??

This amateur act puts tremendous pressure on the already tenuous fabric of Indian society. Under this venomous communalist blush some power hungry people try to feed off prickly religious sensitivities, comments are twisted out of context and blown out of all proportion, language of hate and violence is deployed to generate fear and insecurity, leaving the conscience of our composite culture balkanised.

We feel crumbled, abuse politicians for the turbulence  raise eyebrows across the community lines and bother about the withering humanity. We always boast that our great religion is whole sole custodian of public peace as it preaches universal brotherhood but hate those who don’t believe in it. We admire that our religion will lead us to eternal peace but loose our entire cool even at the slightest remark at it, however unintentional!!! We applause that our God is the creator of this whole world and is present in every minute thing on this universe but at the slightest trigger of bigotry we ruin the vindication of God’s hard work- His people, His world!!

Needless to say that for us God is a mere custom, a ritual. Yes we can die for Him, Kill in His name, but how much time do we remember Him in our daily life? Do we fear Him when we commit atrocities at his people? Do we care about God when we mire into corruption? Where is the God when it comes to self-control?? Dying in the name of Religion is quite easy but living your life on the course of religion is the hard nut to crack.

We can appreciate the movies like Oh My God, spreading the message of Human religion but in the end what hold true is that we continue with same outlook and same routine. We hear, we evoke and praise the idea that God lives in human beings. Instead of going into temples and mosques entering into the hearts of masses can lead us to God. But when it comes to choosing between so called religion and God we always choose the former one.

Let me hammer out Peace doesn’t come with force it comes with understanding. So what we need is not the toleration. Because we tolerate something we don’t like! Here we have to understand that as our relation with our God is our personal affair so is others!! We must understand that others are equally the children of our God so have all the rights to define their customs and believes. We must believe that Our One God is the only father of everyone, even of those who worship Him in different form. So, loving his children means loving him. Serving his people is serving Him. Taking care of his children is taking care of the God himself. But for that what we need is not to just boast but adopt the religion. Not just worship God but also abide by Him.

  P.S- I have written this article for the people with open mind. So my friends with close eyes, who are happy in their own world, Please mind it that I have no intention of hurting or insulting the any RELIGION of anybody. Even if You got hurt somewhere with any of my words, I apologise. Not because I am afraid of You But for me Every heart of every individual matters more than anything else as my GOD lives very much there in each one of us. 


  1. "What do you choose- God or YOUR Religion?"

    I choose reading whatever Daisy mam writes haha.

    Back to the topic now. First of all a very interesting and thought provoking read. God or your religion? Well i guess my parents have always taught me that it is one and a same thing. They told me our God is lord Mahavira and our religion is Jain. See, my parents are so crystal clear haha. If u ask me, I feel Gods and religions are way more complex and fascinating things. Of course they were clear on there Humanity and Peace part but there different existence and stories for reaching at there ultimate goal(moksha) messed up the whole system. They found there own believers, own listeners and own society which in turn diversified our humanity and the way we think. Like Micheal Wood said in his documentary named "The Story Of India", "One of the main reasons of India being called the most diversified nation is the presence of millions of Gods and there ideas in Her history."

    As for the future, I am sure this fanaticism of religions and Gods will calm down. Education has always helped us to overcome all kinds of fears. If we talk about India, youth is more open-minded and intellectual now and this is the reason why "OMG" didn't created any scandal among Hindus was a hit in box-office. Youth understand that the religion is now more of a cultural representative rather than a race of supremacy. This is the generation gap which always comes into the game of individual thoughts. My Nanaji didn't liked OMG because all of his life he believed in Mahavira and Jain but movie all of sudden bashed his whole life beliefs.

    There's one very interesting movie I'll suggest u to watch naming "Children Of Men". Movie shows dystopian vision of the future where human race has become infertile and the world at large has fallen into a state of war and oppression. It tells us how the two major religions i.e. The Muslims and The Christians negatively reacts in this whole emergency situation. Immigration war and terrorists attacks and between them a hope for humanity. I won't go to the much details, i think u should give this movie a go.

    And loved your article. Keep coming up with more new ideas. Will be sharing it with my friends. Cheers!

  2. @Arpit- First of all let me thank you for the precious time you have put in to read this article. Your feedback always motivates me. Thanks a lot :)

    Well I don't agree to Mr. Wood's remarks. He has also misunderstood our religious discourse like others have. Yes we have millions of God but their real and basic ideas were the very much same. Mind it I repeat Real and basic ideas not misinterpreted ideas.

    Yes education has really brought a big change in the mindset of Indian people. But on the same time fundamentalist groups have become active on social networking and misleading the youth which is definitely not a good sign for the future of India.

    I'l watch this movie for sure and will share my experience.

    Again a big thanks for sharing this article and the appreciation it found with you :) Thanks once again :)

  3. Friend sorry for such a "delayed" reading. This I hope is read by "Some Political Leaders" of our nation. As for them India was never secular since they want to raise level of their legislative seats on the sacks of the Communal votes. For them Hindu Muslim Sikh and Isais (Christians)are never"Bhai Bhai". This Article is indeed an eye opener for us and I hope we take up the necessary stand start changing bit by bit after all 'Charity Begins at Home'

  4. @Anupama Ma'am Better late than never. I really thank you that you spared precious moments of your life to read and appreciate my writing.

    I will say that more than politicians common masses need to read and understand its intent. Politicians use them because they allow themselves to get used. Thanks once again for the motivation and support :)

  5. Indeed a very relevant and well written article. It exposes the hollowness with which society embraces religion.
    Do people kill and die for the sake religion..... or is it something else that apparently seems religion.
    God and religion are inseparable in as much literature and the ability to read. Just like the ability to read is a necessary requisite for literature it is alone not sufficient to be able to grasp the meaning. Similarly, though religion seeks to help the believer to a limited degree in comprehending a concept as abstract as God, it is not the complete answer.
    But whats important to understand is what exactly drives a man to kill for the sake of something as obstruse as religion. Is religion being used to glaze over intentions that are otherwise intensely selfish? Is the state and society in someway inciting a militant religious zealot in us? In some ways the answer may be an unfortunate yes. Our socio-political atmosphere is witnessing a slowly widening moral vacuum which is stifling the voices that it is answerable to. Its No wonder that such apathy, insensitivity leads some into embracing religion - given its palliative effect - but in its skewed form.
    This religion then does not foster humanity but becomes a vendetta for that desperation and humiliation of neglect. This very militant sentiment may be easily exploited with a slight stroke of connivance. All you need to know is to hit where it hurts.
    The portrayal of religion and how it is understood is also an issue that needs to be addressed. Individual introspection is necessary before a subject as profound as religion is rejected,embraced or endured!

  6. @Inspired- First of all let me thank you for this insightful and great feedback. Certainly the answer lies in Individual introspection. You got the right intent of the article. Hope people understand it soon so that Mother India is not drenched with the bloodshed of its children in the name of religion and other similar things. Thanks for devoting time to go through it. :)
