Tuesday 3 November 2015

Thank You Salman

“Being Human” I have always quest for new learning, for new lessons. This time the learning has come from none other than “Bhai” of bollywood. Thank you Salman for the eye opener lessons you have taught me. In a nation where smashing of the soldiers  across the borderline doesn’t make so much hue and cry, where thousands of cases of road accident are reported on daily basis, there a simple “HIT and RUN” case has become the talk of the nation.  This is really the power of your charisma! Great, Indeed!  I was left numb to see on television that how much you are loved by people. Your bail was celebrated as if Lord Rama had come back to home that also without one day in vanvaas!  If you have stolen the heart of your fans, same you did to the mind of your critics who were amply showing their anguish over your bail. But I am neither your fan nor your critic. I as a neutral citizen have learnt so much from it and for that I am really grateful to you!

You know what the name of your NGO Being Human simply reminds me that journey from human being to being human is the most sensitive and hardest thing on one’s part. For this we need not be educated and aware but we need to have a heart who can understand the sufferings of the people, who can feel their pain, who can comprehend their helpless. Believe me until I had read in the newspapers that you have hit and killed a man and wounded other four, I would have believed that most of the high class, elite, socially networked and so called aware people of India are in better position to grasp the difficulties of Indian poor. Only your case gave me a jolt and helped me to come out of my deep slumber. It made me realize that people here have become so aware that they could question why those poor were sleeping on footpath than wondering that no one chooses to sleep at footpath. It’s true that everyone wants a roof over their head but nobody happily chooses the blue sky as their cover, however big and enlarged it is! It simply proved to me that no networking can make us social if we disconnect ourselves from the humanity within! Just because you are a star doesn’t mean poor whom you ran over are bekar (useless). Just because they were on wrong place, that also due to some compulsion, never sets your wrong right! Instead of thinking that why even after 68 years of Independence we are not able to provide roof to poor, we are questioning on their poor choice! Irony!

Till now I was happy and proud as a citizen of a democratic country where Rule of law is prevailing in letter and spirit. I was under misimpression that purpose of this was to empower the people against the discretionary lot of the muscle and money power. It simply meant that like are treated alike. But you taught me a new lesson that we follow the rule of law in letters and not in spirit and that too these letter are adjusted as per the status of the person involved in.  The way the case is handled and got shifted from one court to other in the 13 years itself proves how committed we are for the rule of law! Is it facilitated to every citizen of the nation or only because some big name was associated with it! Well, even after 13 years wait you are convicted with 5 years jail. I respect the law of the land. 5 years Jail is good enough to teach the derailed spirit but you got bail within hours without spending even 1 day in the jail! By chance when the case is further disposed off, it will take another 5-10 years. Even if justice is done at that time, as done by our judiciary now after such a long probe, will it really serve the purpose? Thank you Salman! If you wouldn’t have been there I would have never understood theta spirit of our rule of law is lettered with muscle and money power!!

Till now I was proud on the progressive, kind and compassionate nature of Indian Masses. Your case showed me their dual face. Your lovely fans love your act of courage, action, valor, compassion on the screen. In fact your qualities as being human on screen had made you their hero, no matter what you do off screen. If this would happen on screen, neither you would have run after hitting the poor nor they would have appreciated and defended your run. On screen you must have taken care of those poor people even by donating your blood and what all. Your fans would have shed tears of pride, whistled, hooted and clapped on your HEROIC deed. If you would have run in the movie as well, they would have spoken all shit and labeled you as a villain. But why the story changes in the real world. What they don’t appreciate in the reel why are they supporting that in the real life. Isn’t it hypocrisy! If yes, why they make a hue and cry about the hypocritical behavior of our leader? Just because they are aware enough to know their twist and turns, doesn’t make them any different from them! If you were really innocent why did you ran away? Why didn’t you stand up for those poor and took them to hospital? Had you forgotten about being human when you had smashed those human beings?

Dear Salman, you a star, a superstar indeed! You are a celebrity! People follow what you show to them! They love you like mad! Next time please teach them something worth following, something which can help in preserving the generations not devastating their trust in humanity and democracy. I hope lessons learnt this time, will help in unlearning the celebrity craze and relearn the value of being human!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it ! Through this, may i say satirical, piece you have exposed the inequality in our so called equal society. Its a crisp understanding of how the priviledged class manipulates justice and opinion to suit itself. It underlines the apathy that our society has for the people who have no voices of their own. Just as this blog tears through the illusion of Being Human, it needs to be followed by an analysis of our collective conscience which choses to ignore the villainy of our "heroes".
