Saturday 28 March 2015

My Life: My Way

Many a times all of us are in a fussy stage of “what the people will say” This one single line takes us away from the real WE within us and we live a life that is never ours. We follow a path our heart never wants to pursue. But before we give up to these cruel PEOPLE, have we dared to ask who all these people are!

Yes, they may be many, Majority in number. They may give us the dictates of right and wrong. And to have a peaceful life we must be swayed with the waves of their opinions, their views. But have we ever wondered If we all had to live the way of common practice then why did God wasted his precious time in creating each one of us Unique in its own way. Why it is so that everyone praises Rainbow but raises the eyebrows when we opt for the different colors!! Come On! We are not Lords who can taste the same Parsadas for all the days. We are simple human being, our taste buds want different taste every day. We want change. Yes, Change- the only constant thing. But bringing that change is not easy either. For that we have to do something different, something which many others won’t dare to do, and something which will not be apprehended by others that soon.

Don’t get panic. You have to become Rowdy to take all criticism for your courage to bring change, for being different, for standing unique in the masses. But once your purpose is understood you will not only be accepted with open arms but also be appreciated with warm hearts. Look at the History. Most of the heroes have to undergo the fire fighting during their life time. It was in the later days of their life that they were recognized as Heroes and sometimes even after that.

Remember you have to fight with all sort of villains to become a Hero. The only thing constant in all the heroes is that they listen to their own heart, did what they wanted to do, without heeding to what the world wanted them to do. Since they all knew that may be heart is on left side but it is always right. So follow your instincts, chase your dreams, fight for your goal and live your own life.  Don’t forget you are the best judge of your destiny. No one else can decide better for you unless they wear your shoes. It’s great that you want to make the people around you happy but mind it you can’t please everybody.  First be happy with yourself and only then you can become the cause of the happiness to others.  How can we expect one to distribute something which he doesn't own himself?  So be happy and for this you can’t ignore the voice of your heart. Remember you are the best companion of yourself, who will always be with you even when you are unable to find these so many people whom you worry for throughout the life.


  1. We fear our entire life wondering "chaar log kya kahenge", and when we finally meet them all they say is "Ram naam satya hai."
    Awesome blog ma'am.. :)

  2. Let me put your words in more real situations. I know some of the people who critiques almost everything I make. I know they are being reasonable in their own ways but nothing changes the way I want to do my work. I do what I love, I am my own boss and I take huge proud on that. I don't second my dreams just because some people doubt my career option, I just enjoy being a topic within the people, I really do.
    Thanks for writing this, I am sure you'll definitely going to write an awesome novel someday. #KeepWritingMam! :)

  3. Yes ma'am...we have to fight with all sorts of villains to become hero...well written ��

  4. Karunakar Singh29 March 2015 at 04:52

    As always you have written a good and thought provoking article, but in my opinion it's depicted only one side of reality. You have given an utmost importance to the individual conscience (which is really very much essential for the individual liberty) over collective conscience i.e. society. The "principal" based individual conscience is very much important because it is this ingredient which converts an ordinary individual into a Hero, who brings positive changes in the society. On the other hand, if individual conscience is led by selfishness,opportunism,hatred,criminal mind set and so on, then here collective conscience have to play an important role to check and control such type of deviant behaviour to prevent disorder in the society. So individual conscience and collective conscience both are essential for the survival of the society, therefore both have to play complementary and supplementary role to each other's development.
