Sunday 4 January 2015


“I” am the Society. Since “I” make the society and society makes “me”. Can I ever forget that my Individuality is nothing but my reaction or response to the society? I am nothing but thoughts and expressions of the society. Sometimes I reacted when I don’t fall in with the dictates of social norms & traditions. Sometimes I responded to the social needs and desires. In both cases my Individual efforts were not only for the benefit of my own alone. But for the social interest which I as an individual felt were right and for the betterment of the society!

I agree “I” have some uniqueness of my own to be maintained, some desires to be fulfilled, some dreams to be realized, some goals to be reached and some passions to be channelized. But these Individual things can be socialized. It’s not at all about ideology but all about the approach and attitude. If I want to become a raindrop who merges in to the ocean losing its own existence or I want to become a flower who is a very part & parcel of a garden but still carrying its own fragrance and identity!!

My Individualism can never survive without the support and oppose of society. Don’t forget that Individualism gets strength in the nations where Social security is high!! What if I realize all my dreams and became what I wanted to become, but there is no one to join me in the hour when I rejoice. How my call for the fame will be fulfilled in the absence of social beings around! At every step of my journey of INDIVIDUALISM I need society around me. I need someone to clap when I achieve something! I look forward for some hands to get me up when I am in stress or de-motivated! I need some shoulder when I feel alone or want to share something! I need a hand to wipe my tears when I beak somewhere. I want a lap when I just want to close my eyes and forget everything! I always want someone to around me for whom I want to do more and more, who can always inspire me to bring the best out of me!

I know this path of social individuality is not always as flowery as fairy tales. Yes, sometimes I have to sacrifice a lot of myself but what I gain is pretty much to compensate for the same. If I have to forget my dreams for my family, I learn sacrifice. If I have to squeeze my desires, I learn compromise. If social prerogatives hinder my path, I learn valor. If society opposes my passion, I gather courage. If I have to give my share to others I learn Compassion. I have to forgive one for repeated mistakes I learn to love! So in every give to the society I take something back. Something which may not be sufficient to fulfill my individual urges and aspirations! But this something is enough to turn the animal within me into a Human being i.e. SOCIAL ANIMAL.

This Compassion, Care, Kindness, struggle, success, compromises, compliments and comments and everything I get in my discourse with the society is all what make my individuality. My society, my family, my friends are never hurdle to realize myself within me, but they inspire, nurture, break, make, remold and turn me into the Individual I am. Now it’s up to my effort, If want to react to this or respond to it! But As an individual I can't imagine my existence without the society but on the same hand I don’t want to sacrifice my individuality that’s why I love my Social Individuality!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you... I wish I could know your name :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kudos..! Ma'am :)
    Thanks for sharing your views about social individuality .

    1. Thanks Dear... For your unconditional support & love... Am glad you liked it :)

  4. This is structuration theory proponded by anthony giddens.The theory of structuration is a social theory of the creation and reproduction of social systems that is based in the analysis of both structure and agents.

    1. Thanks for knowledge sharing, Sir! I wish you could have spared few words for my article as well :) Thanks for reading :)
