Sunday 8 February 2015

Fear of Rejection!

Relations are something which gives meaning to our life, to our existence. Some of them are decided from heaven already having a certain identity with some name.  These relations are free from the confusion of to be or not to be. Most of them are made with our interaction with society. These relations which develop over a period of time be it the relation of friend, beloved need confession. Confession- that they are important to us. We value them. We cherish their company. Their absence or presence really means a lot to us. They make our world and without them there will be emptiness all around.

All of us, at one point or another, pass through the dilemma of admitting it or not. What if they rejected? Will they accept it? Do they also feel the same for us? How will it feel when they say no to our friendship, our love, our company or our relation?

These are some of the questions which keep on hammering again & again till our courage & will to pursue that relationship is killed. Why do we forget that any such relation should be the choice not option? If the person really likes you, appreciates you, values you, will surely stay over there. In that case confession will further boost up our relationship. It will make other person realize that they we really cherish their relationship; hence efforts will be made from both the sides to nurture & protect the relationship.

In case you confessed & they rejected there is nothing to feel bad about it. Relationships can't be forced. They follow the urge from within. You can't hold on anyone who doesn't want to stay. You can't lose which is not yours.

Now that you confessed and the other person rejected there is no crime in it. It is nowhere wrong to have feelings. It only proves that you are Human. You have a heart which appreciates, loves and care for others. May be we made a choice which was not reciprocated. That's OK. Completely fine! Who knows who is at loss. Certainly the other person is! Having a heart to have feelings and mind to confess that is a blessing everyone doesn't possess. If the other person rejected such a pure heart & mind he may have the crown to win but he has surely lost the Kohinoor in it.

Now may be that person is already in love or your friendship isn't as per their choice, what we have to lose after rejection? It only makes clarity to us. We are no longer lingering on should or should not be. What if & what if not. It just gives us the understanding of the reality & any relationship is based on the understanding. In fact in that case let them set free, pray that they get what they wish for because by now you become the best person to know how it feels when desires are not fulfilled, when feelings are not reciprocated. & if there were really some feelings for the person we will never want him to suffer, to feel bad at all.

So if you profess, let's confess it. Don't have the fear of rejection. Confession will only bring head or tail, which is already there. Just we get to know what it’s all about. What is the reality? You will be lucky if the person reciprocated but the person himself will be the luckiest if he could reciprocate such a genuine heart. You will lose nothing after the rejection because it was never yours. But you have the chance to win the entire world if you are accepted. In the fear of rejection, never reject your feelings. They are all yours, nothing wrong nothing bad about them. So never fear of speaking up your mind and sharing your feelings J


  1. Hats off daisy.

    1. Glad that you liked it. Thanks Deepika :)

  2. Gd one. Right from the bottom of ur heart. Here is confession....Dear, I value your friendship. stay in touch!

    1. Thank you so much Vishal. Your friendship is something I really value & cherish. There is no question of rejection. Heartily accepted :)

  3. Quite right! We often smother our feelings out of fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of getting our sense of identity wounded. But are these fears justified? The blog does answer it. The only way through an emotional turmoil is to go through it. This might break us. But time heals. We emerge with a more clear understanding. After all resilience is our innate nature.

    1. Thank you so much Bhaskar! You have indeed understood the essence of it. Your feedback always motivates me. Thanks for sparing your valuable time :)

  4. Good one Daisy... Hats off to u

    1. Finally the much awaited feedback. Thanks dear :)

  5. Good one Daisy... Hats off to u

  6. Feeling so connected to this blog.. !
    Aristocratic.. :)
    And from now onwards I will confess without the fear of rejection.. :)

    1. Thanks dear... For your continuous love & support! Am glad that my writing can be of some help to you. Stay blessed, frank & happy :)
